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好书推荐: 我的养成系女友 凡骨 网游:开局获得神级天赋 万妖圣祖 这就是牌佬的世界吗?亚达贼! 汉末圣人 都市沉浮 指导女儿练飞刀,吓得警察让备案 冰山总裁的贴身高手 最豪赘婿

What can I hold you with?


Jores Luis Bores


I offer you lean streets, desperate sunsets, the on of the jaed suburbs.


I offer you the bitterness of a n who has looked lon and lon at the lonely on.


I offer you ancestors, dead n, the hosts that livin n have honoured in rble: father’s father killed in the frontier of Buenos Aires, two bullets throuh his luns, bearded and dead, wrapped by his soldiers in the hide of a cow;

ther’s randfather -just twentyfour- headin a chare of three hundred n in Perú, now hosts on vanished horses.I offer you whatever insiht books y hold. whatever nliness or huur life.



I offer you the loyalty of a n who has never been loyal.


I offer you that kernel of self that I have saved sohow -the central heart that deals not in words, traffics not with drea and is untouched by ti, by joy, by adversities.


I offer you the ry of a yellow rose seen at sunset, years before you were born.


I offer you explanationsof yourself, theories about yourself, authentic and surprisin news of yourself.


I can ive you loneliness, darkness, the huner of heart; I atryin to bribe you with uncertainty, with daner, with defeat


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新书推荐: 天道九叶 雪上情缘 全修真界修士激动大喊:抢她! 庇护宗门十五年,解除契约你哭啥 给三个大佬当妈,成仙界万人迷 师傅在上:徒弟要造反 沉睡万年,醒来一掌拍碎禁地! 长生不死,从洞天福地开始 我先天枸杞树,开局截胡羲和 我在都市做妖仙